WoOhOo...finally bk to blog again =)) Been real busy the past few days with the Jc Band Fest...stil feeling very tired frm all the intensive practices...bt it all paid off to a wonderful concert on the 12 of dec at the Esplanade...it was kind of like the first tm i gt to play in such a "whole"band which means tat there are really loads of players with all the different instruments...the experience was really awesome =) Made a couple of new friends there too frm the various jc's...bt the funniest thing was tat we oni gt closer to each other on the concert day...like hours before our performance...weird isn't it...we should have done tatlike maybe a day or two before since the whole band fest is like 3 days plus the concert 4 days...bt hey, nevertheless the memories are stil etched ",)
And the most embarrassing thing have to happen to mi la...bt lucky no one actually noticed...hahax...mi shoe have to give way on the concert day...and of all the times in the world it has to be the moment when i was walking on the stage to mi seat to perform...=Xx Nth to say man...the sole of the shoe jus gave way and i can feel tat the shoe is like towards a side...and i had to slowly move it back when i was already seated on stage...super sway man...and after the performance i have to like drag mi feet to move off frm the stage...bt of cos nt tat obviously =Pp And luckily sya brought her slippers with her or else i wil have to make mi way hm frm the Esplanade with the shoe...=.= And tis is stil nt sway enough...while i was opening the door to cm out of the changing rm...the side of the heavy door actually grazed mi last toe...damn it hurts...goodness...bt lucky it wasn't bleeding tat much...or else...*_*
Mi Band camp was changed to a day camp...and wil start TML...bOohOo =...still haven recovered frm the tiredness yet and mi mouth stil hurts frm the many hours of practicising on the instrument...and i have to go for a day camp...bt hey tis is to prepare the whole band for wads to cm next yr and oso for the repertoire for the Wednesday Expressos tat we wil be having nxt yr...seems like theres a lot for mi to practise for...Wahaha =Pp
i yearn for the smile no more...=.=
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
I am seriously BORED to tears liao...seriously i really can't find anything nice to do at hm besides cooking and messing up the already messy house...its nt tat i dun wanna clear the mess bt its jus tat i simply duno whete to start clearing up frm...everywhere seems equally messy...Shucks =X I jus can't wait for mi Band Fest to start on thurs...which wil continue til sat...and the concert wil be on the following mon...=)) Though i noe tat i m sort of going to make a fool out of miself there cos mi clarinet playing skills is really nt up to standard...even have trouble holding notes up til 20sec...lousy = and the people i wil be playing alongside with are like frm Rj and Ac...gosh...Wahaha...bt at least i wil have sth to DO and nt stay cooped up at hm looking at the same pots and pans day in day out...crap they dun look any least bit attractive...=Pp
*And tis is to ty...if u are reading tis by any chance i m so sorry i can't make it for the imax screening of Harry Potter cos it falls on the day of mi Band Fest...sorry yea...u guys go ahead and enjoy the show =)*
Following tat i wil have mi Band camp which wil fal frm the 14 - 16 of dec...damn i seriously wil be so beat after tat la...like oni have one day of rest...-.- bt nvm at least i have sth to do...hehe =Pp Really hope tat the camp wil be fun as if it is nt den i rather stay at hm as i wil be able to sleep on my BED rather den the cold hard flooring...=p Wads making mi more tired is tat i wil have the Pulau Semakau trip on the 15 which is like the second day of mi camp...Wahaha and i wil have to go for the trip and go bk to sch for mi camp...won't i be super tired...bt i bet i wil enjoy the trip as it wil be sort of the last outing i wil have with mi Ctg129...as i wont be seeing most of them next yr...so i wil take it as a memorable trip and experience =)))
WoOhOo...will be going jogging with mi sweety sarah tml...suppose to go today bt i couldn't wake up cos watched tv til late last night...Wahaha...poor ger called and called mi like countless times oso i didnt realise the phone actually rang...til like after awhile...LOL...sorry yea mi dear...=] And ended up cancelling the jog and toking over the phone bout lots of stuffs...tat goes frm religion to terrorists to spirits and so on and so fourth...we can really tok can't we...LOL =Pp So i promised her tat i will meet her tml so i have to gt up at like 8...=Pp dun worry sweets i wil be there tml =))
i seriously don't noe...
guess i'm still frozen after all...=.=
*And tis is to ty...if u are reading tis by any chance i m so sorry i can't make it for the imax screening of Harry Potter cos it falls on the day of mi Band Fest...sorry yea...u guys go ahead and enjoy the show =)*
Following tat i wil have mi Band camp which wil fal frm the 14 - 16 of dec...damn i seriously wil be so beat after tat la...like oni have one day of rest...-.- bt nvm at least i have sth to do...hehe =Pp Really hope tat the camp wil be fun as if it is nt den i rather stay at hm as i wil be able to sleep on my BED rather den the cold hard flooring...=p Wads making mi more tired is tat i wil have the Pulau Semakau trip on the 15 which is like the second day of mi camp...Wahaha and i wil have to go for the trip and go bk to sch for mi camp...won't i be super tired...bt i bet i wil enjoy the trip as it wil be sort of the last outing i wil have with mi Ctg129...as i wont be seeing most of them next yr...so i wil take it as a memorable trip and experience =)))
WoOhOo...will be going jogging with mi sweety sarah tml...suppose to go today bt i couldn't wake up cos watched tv til late last night...Wahaha...poor ger called and called mi like countless times oso i didnt realise the phone actually rang...til like after awhile...LOL...sorry yea mi dear...=] And ended up cancelling the jog and toking over the phone bout lots of stuffs...tat goes frm religion to terrorists to spirits and so on and so fourth...we can really tok can't we...LOL =Pp So i promised her tat i will meet her tml so i have to gt up at like 8...=Pp dun worry sweets i wil be there tml =))
i seriously don't noe...
guess i'm still frozen after all...=.=
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Its 12.09 a.m and i m stil swake typing away...wahaha...LOL...jus cant gt to sleep...tried toclose mi eyes and gt some rest...bt i jus can't seem to gt to sleep...i duno wad the ehck i wil be thinking bout...all tat i noe is i CAN'T gt to sleep...damn...so here i m ONLINE...=X Its been this way for the past say 1-2 weeks liao...i mus really wait til i m really really tired den u can actually go to sleep...so i tire miself out by staring at mi pc for a few hours...*like tis oso fun*...bt hey i gt to sleep after tat...so its good =))
Wel had band prac today frm 1 to near 3.30...bt it was kind of sian...cos we are all practising the pieces given to us for our Band Fest...which means tat everyone is practising a diff song as we are all seperated into 4 diff bands for the event...so wif all of us practising diff parts it becomes so noisy...Wahaha...after practising for awhile we started toking...LOL...our routine for the day...
*practise for half an hour*
*Tok for half an hour*
*Continue practising for another half an hour*
And the two practices REPEATS itself...can't help it...chatting kills boredom in a way...=Pp Den meet mi papa for lunch/dinner however u may wan to put it cos its like at 4 plus in the evening...=p Chat quite a bit den headed hm and i stil had to cook...god damn it...i tot mi mum would do it...bt as usual she DIDNT...so i had to do it...urgh...fed up wif tis kind of life bt i shal have to tolerate it at all costs...=.=
And i seriously duno wads wrong with mi left ankle...ever since the tm i sprained it while running during p.e...i have been having constants aches...damn...i didnt consult the doc the other tm though it was bandaged by mi teacher...cos the ache somehow subsided after awhile and i had a camp after tat so didnt wan to end up nt being able to go for the camp...after tat i stil went ahead to play netball whenever i had the chance to and during one of the plays i actually sprained the ankle again bt it was jus minor...does nt hurt tat much and i can stil walk...so i didnt tot much of it...and now tis constant ache...and i somehow sprained mi other ankle too...so yea both mi ankles are problematic so to say...=X It wil jus ache if i walk too much of stand too long...damn...and i have to like somehow massage it...stupid leg...jus hope tat it wil gt better...=)
or nt to believe...??=.=
Wel had band prac today frm 1 to near 3.30...bt it was kind of sian...cos we are all practising the pieces given to us for our Band Fest...which means tat everyone is practising a diff song as we are all seperated into 4 diff bands for the event...so wif all of us practising diff parts it becomes so noisy...Wahaha...after practising for awhile we started toking...LOL...our routine for the day...
*practise for half an hour*
*Tok for half an hour*
*Continue practising for another half an hour*
And the two practices REPEATS itself...can't help it...chatting kills boredom in a way...=Pp Den meet mi papa for lunch/dinner however u may wan to put it cos its like at 4 plus in the evening...=p Chat quite a bit den headed hm and i stil had to cook...god damn it...i tot mi mum would do it...bt as usual she DIDNT...so i had to do it...urgh...fed up wif tis kind of life bt i shal have to tolerate it at all costs...=.=
And i seriously duno wads wrong with mi left ankle...ever since the tm i sprained it while running during p.e...i have been having constants aches...damn...i didnt consult the doc the other tm though it was bandaged by mi teacher...cos the ache somehow subsided after awhile and i had a camp after tat so didnt wan to end up nt being able to go for the camp...after tat i stil went ahead to play netball whenever i had the chance to and during one of the plays i actually sprained the ankle again bt it was jus minor...does nt hurt tat much and i can stil walk...so i didnt tot much of it...and now tis constant ache...and i somehow sprained mi other ankle too...so yea both mi ankles are problematic so to say...=X It wil jus ache if i walk too much of stand too long...damn...and i have to like somehow massage it...stupid leg...jus hope tat it wil gt better...=)
or nt to believe...??=.=
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
WoOhOo...wanted to blog yest bt was too tired and oso the pics werent in yet...hehe...so blog today ba...Well really had fun celebrating sarah's b'dae at Kbox yest...didnt noe tat henry was so crappy...gosh...really nth to say jus simply had a gd laugh at his nonsense...we were both practically acting like small kids la...even to the extent of blaming each other for the choice of songs...to the extent of pointing fingers at each other...super lame...dun rmb having such lively conversations with him in sec sch...bt its gd...=) And wads best was tat he and sarah was sweet yest la...keep asking each other to sing...ok sounds lame bt wel u mus c it to feel the sweetness in the relationship...wel jus hope tat they wil be together for as long as ever...*like 3 yrs isn't long...Wahaha...=Pp* Let mi share one lame conversation...
mi:"Eee...wads tis?"
mi:"Apr u wan mi die is it?gv mi cake with wax on it..."
apr:"*looking at mi with a funny stare*"
henry:"aiyah nvm one can eat...i jus ate it..."
mi:"rubbish la u..."
henry:"really la...the wax is wad makes the cake delicious..."
Ain't tis hilarious...how can wax be delicious...?LOL...tats how lame he was throughout the whole thing...well...enough said bout tat...its tm for PRESENTS!!!Since the b'dae ger was born at 9.58 p.m we allowed her to open up her presents at tat tm...or rather close to tat tm...=)) The smile on her face when she opens up her presents made mi smile too...i noe tat she kind of likes the presents...=] mi and apr gt her handmade roses and a bracelet...and her henry darling gt her a floral tube dress and a tiara tat is super nice...putting all the presents together it wil make her almost a princess...cos we are short of glass slippers...Oops...wahaha...over budget...=Pp Her gifts were crafted to make her princess for a day...which is wad she loves and always wanted to be like...wel mi dear ur wish is granted ain't it...?=]
Apart from tat we oso ahd fun listening to apr singing and entertaining us with her melodious voice...WeEhEe...and i sang for the first tm...LOL...bt without the mike...Oops...=Pp Wahaha...i jus can't bring miself to sing and crack all the windows at Kbox...so i tried without the mike so at least there wont be any serious damage to Kbox...Wahaha...=x Bt the main reason is cos i was jus shy to sing...LOL...i jus can't and dun ask mi y...hehe =]
All in all we all had fun and i hope u have fun too looking at the pictures below...",)

*Its tm to cut the cake...=))*


*The Princess aka the B'dae ger...",)*
Well tat's all i have for u...and to sarah,hope u enjoyed it and hope u enjoyed ur day with us as much as we enjoyed planning it for u...=)) I'm outta here...
smile smile smile...
i yearn for one by you...
smile for mi...=.=
mi:"Eee...wads tis?"
mi:"Apr u wan mi die is it?gv mi cake with wax on it..."
apr:"*looking at mi with a funny stare*"
henry:"aiyah nvm one can eat...i jus ate it..."
mi:"rubbish la u..."
henry:"really la...the wax is wad makes the cake delicious..."
Ain't tis hilarious...how can wax be delicious...?LOL...tats how lame he was throughout the whole thing...well...enough said bout tat...its tm for PRESENTS!!!Since the b'dae ger was born at 9.58 p.m we allowed her to open up her presents at tat tm...or rather close to tat tm...=)) The smile on her face when she opens up her presents made mi smile too...i noe tat she kind of likes the presents...=] mi and apr gt her handmade roses and a bracelet...and her henry darling gt her a floral tube dress and a tiara tat is super nice...putting all the presents together it wil make her almost a princess...cos we are short of glass slippers...Oops...wahaha...over budget...=Pp Her gifts were crafted to make her princess for a day...which is wad she loves and always wanted to be like...wel mi dear ur wish is granted ain't it...?=]
Apart from tat we oso ahd fun listening to apr singing and entertaining us with her melodious voice...WeEhEe...and i sang for the first tm...LOL...bt without the mike...Oops...=Pp Wahaha...i jus can't bring miself to sing and crack all the windows at Kbox...so i tried without the mike so at least there wont be any serious damage to Kbox...Wahaha...=x Bt the main reason is cos i was jus shy to sing...LOL...i jus can't and dun ask mi y...hehe =]
All in all we all had fun and i hope u have fun too looking at the pictures below...",)
*Its tm to cut the cake...=))*
*The Princess aka the B'dae ger...",)*
Well tat's all i have for u...and to sarah,hope u enjoyed it and hope u enjoyed ur day with us as much as we enjoyed planning it for u...=)) I'm outta here...
smile smile smile...
i yearn for one by you...
smile for mi...=.=
Monday, November 28, 2005
Woohoo its the 28th of Nov 2005 and guess wad...its mi dear sweetie pie hunny bun cup cake's......[and the list goes on and on of everything sweet and nice in the world] birthday...she is finally 17...wow...hahax...its a long wait man bt its finally here and here i m to wish her in the hope tat she actually reads mi blog...*winks* So here it goes...
*Happy Birthday SARAH* =)))
May all ur wishes cm true and stay as pretty as ever yea...and for once dun say tat u are ugly and fat cos seriously u aren't...=] Stay happy sweets (",)
Hmm...done with the wishes and now bk to miself...=p actually nth really nice to say bout miself besides the fact tat i have spend mi weekends watching tv and eating and growing fat...darn...=x Seriously i have been thinking bout sarah asked mi earlier today...
sarah:"are u in love?"
mi:"hahahaha...no i m nt..."
sarah:"dun lie la...u are and i noe it..."
mi:"No i m nt...hahaha..."
Well so m i or m i nt...hahax...wel seriously i duno...LOL...as far as i noe i m nt bt according to them i m...so?Wahaha...wel we shal jus let tm tel ba...bt at the moment i stil dun think tat i can make miself fal for anyone as yet...jus afraid tat history wil repeat itself...nt tat i wan it to bt jus afraid...LOL...like wad mi papa calls mi the ice queen...wahaha...wel enough of mi crapping bout all tis junk...off i go...*can't wait to celebrate sarah's b'dae with her and apr and henry...woOhOo...kbox here i cm...though i have nvr really sang in front of them...i have to do it for the b'dae ger...=)) Touched nt sarah...wahaha =Pp *
i dunno wad i'm feeling...
all i noe is tat i yearn for tat smile...=.=
*Happy Birthday SARAH* =)))
May all ur wishes cm true and stay as pretty as ever yea...and for once dun say tat u are ugly and fat cos seriously u aren't...=] Stay happy sweets (",)
Hmm...done with the wishes and now bk to miself...=p actually nth really nice to say bout miself besides the fact tat i have spend mi weekends watching tv and eating and growing fat...darn...=x Seriously i have been thinking bout sarah asked mi earlier today...
sarah:"are u in love?"
mi:"hahahaha...no i m nt..."
sarah:"dun lie la...u are and i noe it..."
mi:"No i m nt...hahaha..."
Well so m i or m i nt...hahax...wel seriously i duno...LOL...as far as i noe i m nt bt according to them i m...so?Wahaha...wel we shal jus let tm tel ba...bt at the moment i stil dun think tat i can make miself fal for anyone as yet...jus afraid tat history wil repeat itself...nt tat i wan it to bt jus afraid...LOL...like wad mi papa calls mi the ice queen...wahaha...wel enough of mi crapping bout all tis junk...off i go...*can't wait to celebrate sarah's b'dae with her and apr and henry...woOhOo...kbox here i cm...though i have nvr really sang in front of them...i have to do it for the b'dae ger...=)) Touched nt sarah...wahaha =Pp *
i dunno wad i'm feeling...
all i noe is tat i yearn for tat smile...=.=
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
wad more can i say...
Well...after so long i have decided to continue posting entries...lots happened and i duno where to start out from seriously...results were out last wk and due to the fact tat i didnt do wel i actually didnt gt promoted...i duno how to describe mi feelings at tat point of tm...shocked? disappointed? Wel all i noe was tat tears jus could nt stop flowing from mi eyes rolling down mi cheeks...bt instead of looking at it in a negative way i had to think of things in a more positive light in order to nt only feel better bt oso to realise mi mistakes...as crying all day wont help a single bit...Really thankful to all those hu have consoled mi in a way or another...without them i might nt be able to stabilise mi feelings...rite ty? =)
With one more extra year to re-do things except for the extra H1 subject...i wil have to work extra hard in order to move on to the next level next yr...though the H1 subject mite be a lil challenging for mi as im taking maths...bt i m quite sure tat with more practice i wil be able to pull thru and os cos with the guidance of ty jus like wad he did in sec 4...coaching mi whenever he can in class to ensure i understand wad the teacher is toking bout cos he has tuition...=Pp *I m nt trying to bootlick yea and i m oso nt trying to make u feel touched* =p Like wad someone told mi "you mus buck up next yr ok...promise ur mum tat u wil work hard..." somehow i wil keep tis in mind for long...",)
One thing tat i wil MISS loads wil be the friends and especially mi classmates...though its easy to say tat we wil stay united despite the seperation...i noe its hard to keep it tat way...i wil have to understand the pressure and stress tat u guys wil be facing next yr which wil lead to many of u being very busy studying for ur a's...bt no matter wad happens...i wil stil love u guys the same as the memories tat we had wil always stay with mi no matter where i may be...the precious memories i wil always keep...=)))
Even in the midst of mi sadness i managed to catch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...woOhOo...damn nice la...hahax...all the effects and everything...and its quite hillarious oso...hahax...and boy was ty going gaga over the beautiful Emma Watson...everytm she appeared he would whistle...gosh imagine sitting next to him in a movie starring her...tats it...Wahaha =PpPp The movie was damn long la...and half the tm i was struggling to control mi urge of going to the ladies...damn...didnt wan to miss out on anything important i controled and rushed to the ladies after the show ends...phew was tat a breather...=x
Went for mi class chalet oso on tues...suppose to be 3 days 2 nights thing...bt i cant stay at chalets so i oni went on the second day and left at night...wanted to stay cos it would be fun bt cant so nvm...bt nevertheless had fun throughout the tm when i was there...playing heart-attack with poker cards...cycling in the rain...and playing at the beach...a total bliss...especially when with friends u love so dear...=)) It was super super fun fun fun...wahaha...bt sth happen towards the evening...and i hope u are fine now yea...dun worry too much ok everything will be fine...=]
i yearn for that smile...
when will i see you again...=.=
With one more extra year to re-do things except for the extra H1 subject...i wil have to work extra hard in order to move on to the next level next yr...though the H1 subject mite be a lil challenging for mi as im taking maths...bt i m quite sure tat with more practice i wil be able to pull thru and os cos with the guidance of ty jus like wad he did in sec 4...coaching mi whenever he can in class to ensure i understand wad the teacher is toking bout cos he has tuition...=Pp *I m nt trying to bootlick yea and i m oso nt trying to make u feel touched* =p Like wad someone told mi "you mus buck up next yr ok...promise ur mum tat u wil work hard..." somehow i wil keep tis in mind for long...",)
One thing tat i wil MISS loads wil be the friends and especially mi classmates...though its easy to say tat we wil stay united despite the seperation...i noe its hard to keep it tat way...i wil have to understand the pressure and stress tat u guys wil be facing next yr which wil lead to many of u being very busy studying for ur a's...bt no matter wad happens...i wil stil love u guys the same as the memories tat we had wil always stay with mi no matter where i may be...the precious memories i wil always keep...=)))
Even in the midst of mi sadness i managed to catch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...woOhOo...damn nice la...hahax...all the effects and everything...and its quite hillarious oso...hahax...and boy was ty going gaga over the beautiful Emma Watson...everytm she appeared he would whistle...gosh imagine sitting next to him in a movie starring her...tats it...Wahaha =PpPp The movie was damn long la...and half the tm i was struggling to control mi urge of going to the ladies...damn...didnt wan to miss out on anything important i controled and rushed to the ladies after the show ends...phew was tat a breather...=x
Went for mi class chalet oso on tues...suppose to be 3 days 2 nights thing...bt i cant stay at chalets so i oni went on the second day and left at night...wanted to stay cos it would be fun bt cant so nvm...bt nevertheless had fun throughout the tm when i was there...playing heart-attack with poker cards...cycling in the rain...and playing at the beach...a total bliss...especially when with friends u love so dear...=)) It was super super fun fun fun...wahaha...bt sth happen towards the evening...and i hope u are fine now yea...dun worry too much ok everything will be fine...=]
i yearn for that smile...
when will i see you again...=.=
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Mixed emotions...
It seems like i have jus began studying in yj bt it is already yr end...sch is going to end very soon...though i m very glad tat it is ending...hahax...finally no more waking up so early to go to sch...long day in sch with lectures and tutorials...and most importantly the tests and assignments tat i have to undergo...bt before sch comes to an end for mi tis yr...i stil have mi RESULTS to worry for...after a long wait...and i really mean long...the day is finally here and i have to face it whether or nt i like it...mi results will be out on tues after 2...Damn even jus by typing tis i can feel the anxiety building up in my tummy...all the butterflies in mi stomach and mi fingers turning cold...wad feelings...i hope for the BEST bt i m really very afraid if the worse actually happens...i really duno wad to do...wads worse is i duno how to face mi parents...i think i wil jus gt skinned alive if the worse happens...therefore i dun wan to think about it...jus let the day cm and we wil c wad happens...=.=
Some how i m really looking forward to the hols...hahax...i have like lots of things to do to keep mi busy...thus i shall no longer feel BORED...hehe...which is a gd thing...mi hols ar packed with celebrating frens birthdays...chalets...Band Fest...Concerts...Band camp...and the Pulau Semakau trip...and oso nt forgeting having all the BEAUTY SLEEP tat i have lost during the course of the yr...=)) Bt i still have to study as i will be having exams or rather tests when sch re-opens nxt yr...hahax...i can nvr run away frm them no matter how hard i try...part and parcel of life...",)
Wahaha...i think tats abt all tat i have to say...somehow after having a blog for some time...u find it hard to blog...or rather find it hard to think of wad to blog...other den ur everyday happenings which mite be a lil boring...hahax...should be going visiting tml...hehe...gdgd...time to collect money and oso to c relatives whom i might nt have net before...gt to noe mi extended family...cool huh...=Pp
i do..?
i don't..?
i really don't noe...=.=
Some how i m really looking forward to the hols...hahax...i have like lots of things to do to keep mi busy...thus i shall no longer feel BORED...hehe...which is a gd thing...mi hols ar packed with celebrating frens birthdays...chalets...Band Fest...Concerts...Band camp...and the Pulau Semakau trip...and oso nt forgeting having all the BEAUTY SLEEP tat i have lost during the course of the yr...=)) Bt i still have to study as i will be having exams or rather tests when sch re-opens nxt yr...hahax...i can nvr run away frm them no matter how hard i try...part and parcel of life...",)
Wahaha...i think tats abt all tat i have to say...somehow after having a blog for some time...u find it hard to blog...or rather find it hard to think of wad to blog...other den ur everyday happenings which mite be a lil boring...hahax...should be going visiting tml...hehe...gdgd...time to collect money and oso to c relatives whom i might nt have net before...gt to noe mi extended family...cool huh...=Pp
i do..?
i don't..?
i really don't noe...=.=
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
DEAD??!! I seriously think tat mi blog is dead so i shall do some update...=Pp its been long since i last updated la...hahax...busy with project work and chi...jus finished mi a level chi exam...yea can say good bye to chi forever...hahax...woohoo...bt actually quite sad la...have been taking that subject for years liao...suddenly dun have to take feels kinds weird...bt nevertheless...PHEW...ITS OVERRRR =))))
Well toking bout the word dead...its rather kind of taboo to mi and mi 2 besties...wel we are all afraid tat we might jus catch dengue or any of such related diseases as we jus gt bitten by a black and white mosquito...or rather i was bitten by it...i cant be really sure whether the bith of them were bitten by the same mosquito or nt...bt tat mosquito sure didnt lived long...thanks to april hu killed it while it was stil on mi knee =.= Y mus we be so sway as to be bitten by such a mosquito...damn...i jus pray tat nth happens to anyone of us...or else i wil be worried sick...-.-
Welll lots have happened so far...mi promos are over bt i have yet to gt mi results...damn cant the school jus spare mi the agony and gv mi mi results instead if making mi wait forlike duno how many more weeks...crap...in a whirlpool of emotions...duno wad i m feeling and duno how to react...jus live each day as it comes ba...=)
Holidays and more holidays for mi...hahax...LOL...first was Deepavali holiday den its now Hari Raya holiday...wahaha...sit at hm and rot again...erm bt i think i wil have sth to do tml...=)) Well before i go off i jus wanted to wish those celebrating thie festive season a very Happy DeepaRaya...=)) WooHoo ",)
dun say that u miss mi when u don't...
though i noe tat im beginning to miss u loads...
tat smile so melted mi heart away...=.=
Well toking bout the word dead...its rather kind of taboo to mi and mi 2 besties...wel we are all afraid tat we might jus catch dengue or any of such related diseases as we jus gt bitten by a black and white mosquito...or rather i was bitten by it...i cant be really sure whether the bith of them were bitten by the same mosquito or nt...bt tat mosquito sure didnt lived long...thanks to april hu killed it while it was stil on mi knee =.= Y mus we be so sway as to be bitten by such a mosquito...damn...i jus pray tat nth happens to anyone of us...or else i wil be worried sick...-.-
Welll lots have happened so far...mi promos are over bt i have yet to gt mi results...damn cant the school jus spare mi the agony and gv mi mi results instead if making mi wait forlike duno how many more weeks...crap...in a whirlpool of emotions...duno wad i m feeling and duno how to react...jus live each day as it comes ba...=)
Holidays and more holidays for mi...hahax...LOL...first was Deepavali holiday den its now Hari Raya holiday...wahaha...sit at hm and rot again...erm bt i think i wil have sth to do tml...=)) Well before i go off i jus wanted to wish those celebrating thie festive season a very Happy DeepaRaya...=)) WooHoo ",)
dun say that u miss mi when u don't...
though i noe tat im beginning to miss u loads...
tat smile so melted mi heart away...=.=
Thursday, October 13, 2005
20 ppl?? =Pp
Well tis is nt really going to be a formal post bt jus something sarah darling wans mi to post about...Here it goes...=)
*List down 20 names tat comes to ur mind and describe them according to ur opinion bout them*
1.April--She's a BITCH...!!But i still love her as much =Pp
2.Sarah--She is Sugar,Spice and Evrything NICE...!! =))
3.Tianyu--He is a confidante...a lil short of being a brother ",)
4.Daryl--He is Tripple H => Handsome,Helpful,Hyper IDIOTIC!! =PpPp
5.Janah--She is FUNNY and mi partner in everything =]
6.Lynette--She is the most lovable thing that never fails to make mi laf with her blurness =Pp
7.Jenny--She is serious when it comes to doing work an she is a GEOG PRO =}
8.Fidelia--She is a Laughing Bag...Mwahahaha =PpPp
9.Aqilah--She is a Mischievious lil MONKEY =]
10.Amirah--She is a Sweet lil MONKEY =}
11.Khai--He is mi Good Friend who wans to have Tiger Stripes...Wahaha =Pp
12.Wan Jing--She is Ah Siao No.2...Sweet friend of mine =]]
13.Wei Luan--She is Ah siao No.1...Too Good To Be True =}}
14.Justin--He is wad i call MR.SMILEY =))))))
15.Quincy--He was the ONE...and ONLY ONE i noe hu has the Same Birthday as mi =)
16.Vicky--He makes mi SMILE jus like any other =p
17.Liyana--She is Smart and mi study partner in sec sch =]
18.Huda--She is one FIRM Master Sergeant with a powerful VOICE =}
19.Hasrul--He is mi PAPA...one hu is always there for mi =))
20.Ruth--She is one hell-of-a Groovy Dancer :)
Phew...i m like finally done with all these describing...Wahaha...i hope tat those of u hu are reading wil enjoy tis =))))
do i really miss you..?
i yearn for tat smile though...=.=
*List down 20 names tat comes to ur mind and describe them according to ur opinion bout them*
1.April--She's a BITCH...!!But i still love her as much =Pp
2.Sarah--She is Sugar,Spice and Evrything NICE...!! =))
3.Tianyu--He is a confidante...a lil short of being a brother ",)
4.Daryl--He is Tripple H => Handsome,Helpful,Hyper IDIOTIC!! =PpPp
5.Janah--She is FUNNY and mi partner in everything =]
6.Lynette--She is the most lovable thing that never fails to make mi laf with her blurness =Pp
7.Jenny--She is serious when it comes to doing work an she is a GEOG PRO =}
8.Fidelia--She is a Laughing Bag...Mwahahaha =PpPp
9.Aqilah--She is a Mischievious lil MONKEY =]
10.Amirah--She is a Sweet lil MONKEY =}
11.Khai--He is mi Good Friend who wans to have Tiger Stripes...Wahaha =Pp
12.Wan Jing--She is Ah Siao No.2...Sweet friend of mine =]]
13.Wei Luan--She is Ah siao No.1...Too Good To Be True =}}
14.Justin--He is wad i call MR.SMILEY =))))))
15.Quincy--He was the ONE...and ONLY ONE i noe hu has the Same Birthday as mi =)
16.Vicky--He makes mi SMILE jus like any other =p
17.Liyana--She is Smart and mi study partner in sec sch =]
18.Huda--She is one FIRM Master Sergeant with a powerful VOICE =}
19.Hasrul--He is mi PAPA...one hu is always there for mi =))
20.Ruth--She is one hell-of-a Groovy Dancer :)
Phew...i m like finally done with all these describing...Wahaha...i hope tat those of u hu are reading wil enjoy tis =))))
do i really miss you..?
i yearn for tat smile though...=.=
Monday, September 19, 2005
It's been long....=)))
Woohoo...its been like one week when i last blog...and its been days since i last came online...wah feels like as if its damn long...ok crap...lalala~~!! damn i m BORED man...Wahaha...well all these days i haven been online due to being very busy and SUPER SUPER TIRED...=
Well first of all i would like to congratulate mi uncle on his marriage to his wife...went for their wedding on sat...wah had to go there like about 7 plus...was damn sleepy as the day before had lantern festival celebration in mi sch and it ended like at 10...den had to go over mi grandma's house...duno for wad oso...in the end jus sit there do nth...waste time oni...went bk bout 12 plus liao...den had to help mi mum iron the baju kurung and the kebaya...wah until like 2 plus den sleep...Diao =.= The wedding was ok la...cos nvr seen a malay wedding b4 ma...wad more even gt invloved in one...so tis is definitely one great experience...except for tat it is tiring...Wahaha...=Pp I even had to carry the many gifts tat were brought to either side for exchange...damn cool man...hahax...den have to gv out...hehe...as usual the blur mi duno hu to gv to...bt anyway i had quite a bit of fun...=)) Adding on to tat was the Kuda kepang...wahaha...its like an indonesian dance tat wil lead the wedding procession to the bride's and groom's place...the music wad damn loud la...gosh i was almost going deaf...as the procession goes on...u can c many eyes staring at the whole thing in awe...hahax...si funnie...=Pp But the thing is quite scary la oni the first dancer as he had a scary looking mask on his face...={ Apart frm tat was the huge amount of FOOD...go everywhere oso eat...wah i eat until i wan puke already ar...hahax...so mush food gosh...i wonder how much mi uncle paid for the whole wedding man...Wahaha...The best part was stil the costumes tat the bride wears tat day...wah like so damn nice can...so colourful and shiny shiny wan...wahaha...and now i finally noe y they say tat a woman looks the prettiest on her wedding day...wahaha...mi aunty looks damn pretty la...wah really damn elegant loe...even in the wedding pictures tat they took before the wedding...they are simply GORGEOUS...=))) Well i jus wanna wish them all the best in their married life and may they last til eternity...=)))
Hmm...today nth much happened ba...as usual had breakfast with the same bunch of ppl wth aisha , des , sharon and jean joining us...=))had lit lecture den norm lessons...stupid gp was ever so urgh boring...damn...tat g lee and his NONSENSE...cant stand it...his lessons always sounded so wrong...wahaha...if u noe wad i mean...=]Had band after sch played tat damn oarts and oni to noe tat we had to change our wednesday expresso performance day to next wed instead cos of the prelims tis wed...damn...bt hey we have more tm to practice...gdgd...bt i need time to STUDYYYYYYYY...wad the hell haven done tat...i wan wave white flag already...wad the...forgt tat...hahax...den went hm and guess wad on the way hm we pass tis playground...and tat chan has to go and climb on sth and hit his head against tis bar at the top...he didnt even realised it was there..."Bump" was all tat we heard and after tat he has tis red bump on his forehead...wahaha...he should have jus looked at his ht rite...he is way too tall to play in the playground unless if it was mi la...like wad fun said the playground is a place for mi nt him...wahaha...cos i m way too short and can jus pass off as a small kid...=PpPp And as usual fee was laughing her ass of again and making everyone else laf as wel...i can laf til i cry man...she and her funnie jokes jus nvr fail to put a smile on everyone's face...rite fee? =)))
i guess things are jus stagnant...
i shall let time tell...
and the wonderful works of nature do the job...=.=
Well first of all i would like to congratulate mi uncle on his marriage to his wife...went for their wedding on sat...wah had to go there like about 7 plus...was damn sleepy as the day before had lantern festival celebration in mi sch and it ended like at 10...den had to go over mi grandma's house...duno for wad oso...in the end jus sit there do nth...waste time oni...went bk bout 12 plus liao...den had to help mi mum iron the baju kurung and the kebaya...wah until like 2 plus den sleep...Diao =.= The wedding was ok la...cos nvr seen a malay wedding b4 ma...wad more even gt invloved in one...so tis is definitely one great experience...except for tat it is tiring...Wahaha...=Pp I even had to carry the many gifts tat were brought to either side for exchange...damn cool man...hahax...den have to gv out...hehe...as usual the blur mi duno hu to gv to...bt anyway i had quite a bit of fun...=)) Adding on to tat was the Kuda kepang...wahaha...its like an indonesian dance tat wil lead the wedding procession to the bride's and groom's place...the music wad damn loud la...gosh i was almost going deaf...as the procession goes on...u can c many eyes staring at the whole thing in awe...hahax...si funnie...=Pp But the thing is quite scary la oni the first dancer as he had a scary looking mask on his face...={ Apart frm tat was the huge amount of FOOD...go everywhere oso eat...wah i eat until i wan puke already ar...hahax...so mush food gosh...i wonder how much mi uncle paid for the whole wedding man...Wahaha...The best part was stil the costumes tat the bride wears tat day...wah like so damn nice can...so colourful and shiny shiny wan...wahaha...and now i finally noe y they say tat a woman looks the prettiest on her wedding day...wahaha...mi aunty looks damn pretty la...wah really damn elegant loe...even in the wedding pictures tat they took before the wedding...they are simply GORGEOUS...=))) Well i jus wanna wish them all the best in their married life and may they last til eternity...=)))
Hmm...today nth much happened ba...as usual had breakfast with the same bunch of ppl wth aisha , des , sharon and jean joining us...=))had lit lecture den norm lessons...stupid gp was ever so urgh boring...damn...tat g lee and his NONSENSE...cant stand it...his lessons always sounded so wrong...wahaha...if u noe wad i mean...=]Had band after sch played tat damn oarts and oni to noe tat we had to change our wednesday expresso performance day to next wed instead cos of the prelims tis wed...damn...bt hey we have more tm to practice...gdgd...bt i need time to STUDYYYYYYYY...wad the hell haven done tat...i wan wave white flag already...wad the...forgt tat...hahax...den went hm and guess wad on the way hm we pass tis playground...and tat chan has to go and climb on sth and hit his head against tis bar at the top...he didnt even realised it was there..."Bump" was all tat we heard and after tat he has tis red bump on his forehead...wahaha...he should have jus looked at his ht rite...he is way too tall to play in the playground unless if it was mi la...like wad fun said the playground is a place for mi nt him...wahaha...cos i m way too short and can jus pass off as a small kid...=PpPp And as usual fee was laughing her ass of again and making everyone else laf as wel...i can laf til i cry man...she and her funnie jokes jus nvr fail to put a smile on everyone's face...rite fee? =)))
i guess things are jus stagnant...
i shall let time tell...
and the wonderful works of nature do the job...=.=
Monday, September 12, 2005
Wahaha...have nt been blogging for a few days liao...hahax...haven been online for days oso...hahax...wel dad was at hm mum was at hm too...so decided nt to use the com...and was somehow studying for lit on sun...hahax...jus read the notes la...nth much...and finally i m BACK online...yippie...=)))
Had lit test tis morn...wad a nice way to start a morning...wads worse its a MONDAY MORNING...hahax...anyway the paper was ok la...jus wait and see the results ba...all else was fine except for the fact tat the LT was like damn cold...was like freezing in there...though i brough mi sweater i didnt take it out...reason : "too lazy to take it out from mi bag"...hahax...=PpPp To pay for tat laziness i had to freezze in there...and the paper was like 3 hrs...wad the hell...had to do 3 essays...after writing for like bout an hour mi hands were like going all NUMB...and mi writing went all illegible [*nt tat it was any legible to start with*] Wahaha...=PpPp After test we all went to eat den went for tat SPENCER'S lesson...damn sway can...jus before he entered the class we were like all trying to sit as far away frm the front rows as possible...afraid tat he might sit near us and start SHOUTING at us...bt as soon as he entered the class he put his stuffs on mi table...DAMN...i started laughing non-stop and he asked mi to stop lafing and ask mi to think of all the sad things tat had happened in mi life so tat i can really stop laughing...wad the hell...den throughout the whole lesson...every now and den kena shoot frm him la...keep on asking mi to ans qns...and i duno how to ans la...wad the hell...so i jus looked at him and the very next moment he called mi "BIG EYES"...wad the heck man...CRAZY SPENCER...urgh...he really gets on mi nerves esp whenever he calls mi LAVNITHA...duno which part of mi looks like her oso...=X He even had to add tis line " I noe u are nt Lavnitha bt i m jus trying to irritate u..." DIAO...nonsense la...teacher trying to irritate student...nth to say man...wahaha...=
Hmm...after sch had to go for band for the t-shirt thingy...somehow we finalised the colour of the t-shirt...wel its MAROON...hehe...=) Den went to meet fee , janah , lynette in the lib basement with jenny...vincent and allan joined us later...supposed to do work bt ended up toking bout childhood stories...primary sch life...how i disliked it and sec sch life which i enjoyed more...wad stupid things we used to do and all tat crap...hahax...tok tok tok end up toking bout relationships and stuffs...hahax...found out quite a bit...Wahaha...=PpPp Wel for one we all noe...we all had faced relationships in one way or another...bt whether it turn out wel or nt is another story altogether...As for mi...wel...had some real nice memorable memories and had some real terrible ones which i wil nvr forgt as well...haiz...guess we are all nt spared frm the ups and dwns of life...bt wadeva it is...we wil jus have to live with it and try to gt on with life even after setbacks...=))
somehow i duno where tis is heading...
are things getting better or...
are things remaining the way it were when it soured...
i jus can't seem to figure it out...=.=
Had lit test tis morn...wad a nice way to start a morning...wads worse its a MONDAY MORNING...hahax...anyway the paper was ok la...jus wait and see the results ba...all else was fine except for the fact tat the LT was like damn cold...was like freezing in there...though i brough mi sweater i didnt take it out...reason : "too lazy to take it out from mi bag"...hahax...=PpPp To pay for tat laziness i had to freezze in there...and the paper was like 3 hrs...wad the hell...had to do 3 essays...after writing for like bout an hour mi hands were like going all NUMB...and mi writing went all illegible [*nt tat it was any legible to start with*] Wahaha...=PpPp After test we all went to eat den went for tat SPENCER'S lesson...damn sway can...jus before he entered the class we were like all trying to sit as far away frm the front rows as possible...afraid tat he might sit near us and start SHOUTING at us...bt as soon as he entered the class he put his stuffs on mi table...DAMN...i started laughing non-stop and he asked mi to stop lafing and ask mi to think of all the sad things tat had happened in mi life so tat i can really stop laughing...wad the hell...den throughout the whole lesson...every now and den kena shoot frm him la...keep on asking mi to ans qns...and i duno how to ans la...wad the hell...so i jus looked at him and the very next moment he called mi "BIG EYES"...wad the heck man...CRAZY SPENCER...urgh...he really gets on mi nerves esp whenever he calls mi LAVNITHA...duno which part of mi looks like her oso...=X He even had to add tis line " I noe u are nt Lavnitha bt i m jus trying to irritate u..." DIAO...nonsense la...teacher trying to irritate student...nth to say man...wahaha...=
Hmm...after sch had to go for band for the t-shirt thingy...somehow we finalised the colour of the t-shirt...wel its MAROON...hehe...=) Den went to meet fee , janah , lynette in the lib basement with jenny...vincent and allan joined us later...supposed to do work bt ended up toking bout childhood stories...primary sch life...how i disliked it and sec sch life which i enjoyed more...wad stupid things we used to do and all tat crap...hahax...tok tok tok end up toking bout relationships and stuffs...hahax...found out quite a bit...Wahaha...=PpPp Wel for one we all noe...we all had faced relationships in one way or another...bt whether it turn out wel or nt is another story altogether...As for mi...wel...had some real nice memorable memories and had some real terrible ones which i wil nvr forgt as well...haiz...guess we are all nt spared frm the ups and dwns of life...bt wadeva it is...we wil jus have to live with it and try to gt on with life even after setbacks...=))
somehow i duno where tis is heading...
are things getting better or...
are things remaining the way it were when it soured...
i jus can't seem to figure it out...=.=
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Crap man...wad a nonsensical day it had been...jus feel like screaming out loud...here it goes...AaAaRrRrGgGgHhHh...i hate the world sometimes...actually more of the ppl hu make up the world...DAMN...hu in the right mind would steal someone else's phone...and it all had to happen when i was around...and tis wasn't the first tm mi fren's phone gt stolen...i seriously duno how to deal with it...i duno whether to gt angry at the one hu took it or to comfort mi fren...and how do i even comfort her...the phone jus dun cm bk falling frm the sky...i can't take it when i mi frens crying over sth and i can't do anything to help her in anyway... ...
The day started off quite ok i mus say...met the same grp of us at Mac for breakfast...bt end up oni five of us came...mi , fun , fee , chan and janah...we ate breakfast of cos damn full and chan was sick and u can so tel it from his face...watery eyes and all...den went to sch and guess wad MR SNG WAS LATE...crap it was like so warm waiting outside the LT for him to appear...and he oni appeared like half an hour later...wahaha...lesson was ok la...gt bk mi essay and guess wad i PASSED...first tm i pass mr sng's essay...wahaha...wad the hell...after lesson headed to north to eat lunch and we were all like askign chan to go hm to rest since he was sick bt he was stil reluctant until after eating den he decided tat its best to go hm to rest...=) Den it was left with mi fee janah and lynette...lynette wanted to to toa payoh lib to do work and fee went with her...mi and janah felt tired so decided to go hm to sleep...bt while waiting for the bus at the interchange we somehow changed our minds abt going hm...wanted to catch up with fee and lynette bt they might have took the train by then...so we went bk to sch to do work...saw qilah and mirah in sch studying...join them on teh other table...spent half of the time talking CRAP...and half of the time doing work...taking pics with phone and listening to songs...wahaha...quite ok la...den we decided to go north to take some neos...since its been long we took one and since there is a new one in north...head there at bout 7 plus...went there happily nt noeing tat our mood wil all change in a moment's time...
When we were in the shop...we jus notice tis young malay boy walking around the shop...peeping into the many neo print machines...dunow ad the heck he is doing oso...bt nvm...we jus ignored him thinking tat he is YOUNG...we placed our bags at the side of the neo print machine...while stil decorating the pics...mirah exclaimed tat her phone was nowhere to be found...i was like totally shocked...mi hands trying to decorate the pics and trying to dril the fact tat her phone was missing...den we all started to panic...we jus stood there nt knowing wad to do...after tat everything became so hectic...we were suspecting tat small malay boy...since he was loitering around our machine like jus moments before and after we took the pics he was nowhere to be found...DAMN...we den alerted the security and they alerted the police...wow...how nice...everyone was like staring at us and wondering wad was going on...we even suspected tis another guy hu somehow looks like the guy in the neo print shop...the police even went over to somehow question him...bt to no avail...and the best part was the policeman's name was "GABRIEL LEE"...how nice man...wad the hell...of all names in the world tat name...NONSENSE...bt obviously he was so much better looking...so much taller and so much thinner den the gabriel lee in mi sch...hu oni noes how to go round saying LOVELY...ended up qilah and mirah went to make a police report bt mi and janah couldn't go along as we were running late for hm...All i noe is tat if i ever c tat young malay boy hu was wearing a blue shrt and i think light brown pants outside...i dunow ad the heck i m going to do...damn him...if he was really the one hu took it may god dun ever bless him and may he jus feel guilty all his life...
All tat i pray for now is tat everything will soon turn out find for mirah and may better things happen to her after tis...and for chan to take care and gt well soon...and for janah to nt feel so guilty for wadeva tat happen today...it wasn't ur fault yea...dun worry so much...=)
are things changing for the better...??
i hope so...=.=
The day started off quite ok i mus say...met the same grp of us at Mac for breakfast...bt end up oni five of us came...mi , fun , fee , chan and janah...we ate breakfast of cos damn full and chan was sick and u can so tel it from his face...watery eyes and all...den went to sch and guess wad MR SNG WAS LATE...crap it was like so warm waiting outside the LT for him to appear...and he oni appeared like half an hour later...wahaha...lesson was ok la...gt bk mi essay and guess wad i PASSED...first tm i pass mr sng's essay...wahaha...wad the hell...after lesson headed to north to eat lunch and we were all like askign chan to go hm to rest since he was sick bt he was stil reluctant until after eating den he decided tat its best to go hm to rest...=) Den it was left with mi fee janah and lynette...lynette wanted to to toa payoh lib to do work and fee went with her...mi and janah felt tired so decided to go hm to sleep...bt while waiting for the bus at the interchange we somehow changed our minds abt going hm...wanted to catch up with fee and lynette bt they might have took the train by then...so we went bk to sch to do work...saw qilah and mirah in sch studying...join them on teh other table...spent half of the time talking CRAP...and half of the time doing work...taking pics with phone and listening to songs...wahaha...quite ok la...den we decided to go north to take some neos...since its been long we took one and since there is a new one in north...head there at bout 7 plus...went there happily nt noeing tat our mood wil all change in a moment's time...
When we were in the shop...we jus notice tis young malay boy walking around the shop...peeping into the many neo print machines...dunow ad the heck he is doing oso...bt nvm...we jus ignored him thinking tat he is YOUNG...we placed our bags at the side of the neo print machine...while stil decorating the pics...mirah exclaimed tat her phone was nowhere to be found...i was like totally shocked...mi hands trying to decorate the pics and trying to dril the fact tat her phone was missing...den we all started to panic...we jus stood there nt knowing wad to do...after tat everything became so hectic...we were suspecting tat small malay boy...since he was loitering around our machine like jus moments before and after we took the pics he was nowhere to be found...DAMN...we den alerted the security and they alerted the police...wow...how nice...everyone was like staring at us and wondering wad was going on...we even suspected tis another guy hu somehow looks like the guy in the neo print shop...the police even went over to somehow question him...bt to no avail...and the best part was the policeman's name was "GABRIEL LEE"...how nice man...wad the hell...of all names in the world tat name...NONSENSE...bt obviously he was so much better looking...so much taller and so much thinner den the gabriel lee in mi sch...hu oni noes how to go round saying LOVELY...ended up qilah and mirah went to make a police report bt mi and janah couldn't go along as we were running late for hm...All i noe is tat if i ever c tat young malay boy hu was wearing a blue shrt and i think light brown pants outside...i dunow ad the heck i m going to do...damn him...if he was really the one hu took it may god dun ever bless him and may he jus feel guilty all his life...
All tat i pray for now is tat everything will soon turn out find for mirah and may better things happen to her after tis...and for chan to take care and gt well soon...and for janah to nt feel so guilty for wadeva tat happen today...it wasn't ur fault yea...dun worry so much...=)
are things changing for the better...??
i hope so...=.=
Its like 2.27 a.m and i m still here...wad the hell...one hand holding a pineapple and one hand typing...gosh...meeting the same gang of us later at 7.30...by the tm i finish wadeva it is i have to do...i think i have less den 5 hrs of sleep...wad the hell...tis is the consequence of going online and planning to finish mi essay at the same time...should have tat i will take the longest time...thank god i finished mi essay or else i really gt nth bt one word to say to miself "FAILURE"...Wahaha...jus finish haging mi clothes too...dun ask mi y i choose to hang mi clothes in the weirdest of the weirdest times of the day...well i jus do...even i duno y...wad the hell...CRAP...going to iron mi uni after finishing mi pineapple...stupid sis of mine...didnt iron it simply cos she was too lazy and jus wans her BEAUTY SLEEP...nonsense...ppl sleeping beauty she sleeping pig la...Wahaha...so mean...i was as usual joking...like DUH...=Pp...feeling damn tired now...wel i guess i better end tis post or else i dun even need to sleep at all...",)
happy once again...=)))
happy once again...=)))
Monday, September 05, 2005
Wahahaha =PpPpPp
WoOhOo...had to wake up early today gtg to sch for SPENCER'S lit lecture...hahax...suppose to meet up with janah , fee , lynette , qilah , jenny , fun and chan for breakfast at mac first den go for lesson...reached there with janny and oni saw lynette and chan...den waited and waited qilah came den fee came...and janah was like soO late...hahax...bt nvm we understand tat the bus she takes jus SUX...rite jan =) Den we all walked to sch for lecture and guess wad tat SPENCER was in a very bad mood...hahax...he was like trying to take attendance and there was like late comers streaming in one by one ir in groups...haha...and most of us were like talking and laughing instead of reading the handout he gave...den all of a sudden he started screaming...Wahaha...he was like SUPER angry and he was like going " Jus SHUT UP and read the hand put i gave u...SHUT UP...And u late comers y are u late?? "...he keeps on emphasising on the word SHUT UP...hahax...LOL...den some of us were like dozing off during the lesson liao...hahax...trying very ahrd nt to yawn in case he screams " You criminal...i said NO yawning in mi class...CRIMINAL OFFENCE... " LMAO...=PpPp After lesson the same grp...without fun and adding allan decided to stay bk in sch to do our econs holiday assignment...hahax...i didnt even bring mi notes to do the essay and i dun even have foolscap paper...how pathetic...LOL...bt in the end stil managed to do the essay...stil have part of it to complete...going to complete later...tml no sch so can stay up later to do work...=))
I think i m going to be officially borke even before mid-wk...hahax...today itself spent quite a bit liao...mac breakfast in the morn...drinks frm 7-11 while studying...and guess wad...we even called in PIZZA...hahax...we had the pizza man driving in on his motorbike to deliver the pizza to us...hahax...each of us pay biut 3 buck plus for a regular size one...since it 2 for 1...so its cheaper...hahax...bt stil the guys are usually ER GUI...so they tend nt to feel full after 2 slices of pizza...=Pp All tat amount together is already like more den or abt 10 bucks...Wahaha...lucky tml no sch...or else i wil be totally BROKE...=.=
dun wish to see you at all...
dun even wish to be reminded of the memories...
feeling happier now tat you are gone...=.=
I think i m going to be officially borke even before mid-wk...hahax...today itself spent quite a bit liao...mac breakfast in the morn...drinks frm 7-11 while studying...and guess wad...we even called in PIZZA...hahax...we had the pizza man driving in on his motorbike to deliver the pizza to us...hahax...each of us pay biut 3 buck plus for a regular size one...since it 2 for 1...so its cheaper...hahax...bt stil the guys are usually ER GUI...so they tend nt to feel full after 2 slices of pizza...=Pp All tat amount together is already like more den or abt 10 bucks...Wahaha...lucky tml no sch...or else i wil be totally BROKE...=.=
dun wish to see you at all...
dun even wish to be reminded of the memories...
feeling happier now tat you are gone...=.=
Saturday, September 03, 2005
LALALA...!! really feeling damn bored...hahax...wanted to wake early today to re-arrange mi table and start studying after tat...bt as usual...i failed again...woke up at 12...DARN...when wil i ever be able to wake up early man besides when i have to wake up to go to sch...i jus can't seem to wake up early...i jus continue sleeping and sleeping till god noes wad tm...if no one wakes mi up...tat's it...i wil jus continue sleeping...Wahaha...PIGGY PIG =PpPp No wonder i was given tat nick name by someone...LOL...",) Well tml i MUS wake up early...can't sleep anymore liao...hahax...mi promos are coming and i really really need to work hard...CHIONG...=\ Nxt week holiday liao...YEAH...=) bt too bad its nt a holiday week for mi...i have to really use tis time to STUDYYYYYYYYY...have to go sch on mon and wed gt lit lecture or sth...den thurs gt band...conducting lessons...hahax...funnie rite...mi learning conducting...Wahaha...=PpPp I can jus imagine if one i were to ever conduct any band...i will definitely laugh mi ass off first...cos ppl wil have trouble finding where the heck is the CONDUCTOR...hahax...too SHORT liao...HAHAHAHAX...=Pp ok enough abt the fact tat i m short...Well actually i m looking forward to the BAND FEST in dec...hahax...and oso the band camp...bt i wil oni gt enthu bout these things once i have gotten miself PROMOTED...hahax...or else...hmm...=.=Seriously i think i gt nth to write anymore so i think i better stop here...before i start going on and on abt nth...=)
really hate all the memories we had...
never knew you would turn out this way...
i was wrong bout u right from the start...=.=
really hate all the memories we had...
never knew you would turn out this way...
i was wrong bout u right from the start...=.=
Friday, September 02, 2005
SsiiAaNn =]
Wahaha...super sian day...nth much happened...jus as usual go sch go for lecture den tutorial den pe den go band...hahax...nth interesting happened at all...Stil cant forgt the fact tat i m jus super imposed blur...supposed to hand in geo essay outline today...yest sch holiday suppose to do...bt i jus keep thinking tat yest was wed instead of thurs so i didnt do it...oni when it was like 8 plus 9 in the night yest den i realised tat it was actually thurs and i have to hand it in like today...wanted to do it yest night while watching "Project Superstar" bt ended up nt doing anything as...it wasn't due to mi nt being able to concentrate cos of the show bt as usual...fight again...damn mi whole family la...gt nth better to do each day by fighting...first was mi,mi sis and mi mum...made so much noise til mi dad was super angry den it all started...he jus started screaming and screaming...wanting to burn dwn the house and guess wad even burn us ALIVE...saw tat burn us ALIVE...wad the hell i really gt nth to say...all i wanted to dow as to pick up the phone and cal 999...crazy ass...duno wad the heck is he thinking oso...den keep on telling us to clear up the mess in the house or else he wil start burning...MAD MAN...wads worse is he even took out the KEROSENE can...shen jing bing...-.- take out le nvm stil go pour on mi mum...wah lao i have nvr seen anyone as crazy...Siao wan...DAMN...the whole house stink of the damn kerosene...the whole scene was damn drama can...all the screams and the cries tat mi and mi sis had...so darn PATHETIC...really duno wad to say liao...LOSS FOR WORDS
I really hoped for things to be better...for mi life to go bk to where it was before...for mi to be happy once again...even though i wasn't tat happy bk den bt at least happier den i am now...bt now i noe tat all these are just mi mere wishes and nth can ever go bk to wad it used to be...everything is DIFFERENT now...everything is CHANGED...EVERYONE HAS CHANGED too...haiz...bt somehow no matter how sad i m at hm due to some family problems i can't bring miself to be as sad in sch...maybe its due to the fact tat i m used to nt showing mi feelings tat much...i jus swallow wadeva i have to hoping tat things wil turn out better after awhile and forgt about it sooner or later...bt somehow though i think tat i have akready forgotten these things...i actually haven...they are stil there in mi mind somewhere...its jus tat i dun wanna tok bout it...duno whether its called self denial or nt...jus refuse to think of the things tat happen in hope tat i wil forgt...wad the...running away from reality...DARN...SHUCKS...AaRrGgHh...=
nothing bt 3 words...
i hate you...=.=
I really hoped for things to be better...for mi life to go bk to where it was before...for mi to be happy once again...even though i wasn't tat happy bk den bt at least happier den i am now...bt now i noe tat all these are just mi mere wishes and nth can ever go bk to wad it used to be...everything is DIFFERENT now...everything is CHANGED...EVERYONE HAS CHANGED too...haiz...bt somehow no matter how sad i m at hm due to some family problems i can't bring miself to be as sad in sch...maybe its due to the fact tat i m used to nt showing mi feelings tat much...i jus swallow wadeva i have to hoping tat things wil turn out better after awhile and forgt about it sooner or later...bt somehow though i think tat i have akready forgotten these things...i actually haven...they are stil there in mi mind somewhere...its jus tat i dun wanna tok bout it...duno whether its called self denial or nt...jus refuse to think of the things tat happen in hope tat i wil forgt...wad the...running away from reality...DARN...SHUCKS...AaRrGgHh...=
nothing bt 3 words...
i hate you...=.=
Thursday, September 01, 2005
East Coast Park =)))
WooHoo...jus came bk nt long ago...*phew* Super tired man...wahaha...=PpPp had a lot a lot of fun today...hahax...=)) lots of things happen too and contributed to tis damn shuang day...",)
Well since today is Teachers' Day...i would like to wish all teachers hu have taught mi b4 a very "Happy Teachers' Day" =)) Wanna wish them all the best and BLAH , BLAH , BLAH , BLAH , BLAH...the wish goes on and on...Wahaha...started off the day with kind of a bad note la...cos we are told again tat we cant go bk at 10 plus which is like so AaRrGgHh...we were all like crossing our fingers in hope tat we wil hear Mr Ganesh go "129 u have early release!!" Well bt NO we hear nth of tat sort so we decided to resign to FATE...=.= The worse is yet to cm man...hahax...we all had to do ACES...wad the hell...hahax...and like half of the sch's population was like wearing UNIFORM...do ACES wearing uniform...how nice?? The teachers damn enthu can...they were like doing like as if they are really enjoying it...hahax...i oni enjoyed the song...hahax....sorry ar..."Let's get LOUD...let's get loud..." LOL...den went to the hall to watch the concert...wahaha...sat at the extreme end la...c wad...the stairs to the stage...nice view ar?? Was damn proud of mi class performers la...hahax...wel it was NICE...really it was...our whole class was like cheering them on...and every other ppl were like giving us some weird look...hahax...so funnie la...Jenny and her pro drum skills...WOW...so in aww...and i jus like the way the cowboy hat go twirling in the air...after chan toss it in the air...hahax...NICE NICE...=)) Den we had the other performances...the dances were great...hahax...nvr knew many if them could actually DANCE REAL WELL...=p The funnieast was stil the fact tat Mr.Ganesh actually went uo to stage to DANCE...can anyone imagine how much and hard the crwod was laffing...hahax...i jus wouldnt stop laffing man...and he can shake man...=PpPp Den we all had to head to the library while others can go hm...damn...hahax...bt time passes quite fast la...yippie...=))
After tat we decided to go somewhere...so EAST COAST there we went...mi , janah , qilah , fee , lynette , jenny and chan with allan coming later...we jus ahd so much fun there man...hahax...went there straight away rent bike...den we all jus started cycling...Wahaha...and we were riding AGAINST the wind...Damn...so hard to ride la...mi leg pain like hell la...hahax...cycled all the way to teh jetty...wah den the view there was like FANTABULOUS...hahax...super nice...and SO SO SO SO so so so so the windy...the feeling of wind jus blowing towards u is really "WOOOOOOW" This is the funniest part...Chan was hoping for something to happen like for a fish or any sea creature to jump out of the water in front of him...hahax...LOL i told him to stand there close his eyes and dream...Wahaha...den suddenly we all spotted tis black thing in the sea and we were like guessing wad the heck is it...first we tought it was a fish...den chan said tat i cant be cos it is nt swimming...den we tuoght it was a stingray...den we were like already confirming tat it was a stingray...we were like all so excited la...toking to each other quite loudly as the excitement builds in us...oni ti realise in the end tat it was actually a BLACK TRASH BAG...hahax...wad the hell...we all started laffing...how nice man...den we saw a few more such "stingrays" Wahaha...=PpPpPp Den we continued cycling to the other end of the place...cycled til quite far den we stopped to lye on some rock tat u can c when u go to sea...it was like made of many diff rocks la...jus reminded all of us of GEOGRAPHY...hahax...LOL...we all jus lied there looking at the sky and closing our eyes soon after...den woke up start crapping...watch the waves and oso saw AEROPLANES at such close proximity...hahax...they look so DARN big...hahax...and we were like guessing wad airline it is...LMAO =pPpP
After tat had to rush like mad la cos had to return the bike den oso ahd to rush bk to yishun to meet mi mum...hahax...LOL...so ended up taking taxi with jenny qilah and chan...cos we missed our 7 o'clock shuttle bus...DAMN...i was officially BROKE so chan and allan lent mi...the three of them alighted at EUNOS and i continued till YISHUN...and guess wad the uncles made a wring move and went to WOODLANDS instead...GOSH...hahax...i was like so damn scared le la...cos i m super late to meet mi mum...so he had to do a U.TURN which is damn long and the fare ended up to be $22.60...i was like totally panicking liao...cos i oni have $2o...hahax...bt the uncle was nice enough he oni charged mi $15 as he said tat is was his fault and dun wan to make mi pay so much...cos he was distrcted by some ERP error so drive wrongly liao...the uncle damn nice la...when i alighting stil ask mi take care...hahax...sweet ar...?? ok crap...=Pp den jus rushed to the place to meet mi mum...lucky she didnt ask anything...or else i duno wad to tell her...as usual oni mi sis noes...hehe...i practically tell her everything la...and she tells mi everything oso...hahax...=PpPp K la tis entry super long la...sleepy liao...stop here...=))
everytm i c ur face...
i duno wad to do...
do i smile or look away...??=.=
Well since today is Teachers' Day...i would like to wish all teachers hu have taught mi b4 a very "Happy Teachers' Day" =)) Wanna wish them all the best and BLAH , BLAH , BLAH , BLAH , BLAH...the wish goes on and on...Wahaha...started off the day with kind of a bad note la...cos we are told again tat we cant go bk at 10 plus which is like so AaRrGgHh...we were all like crossing our fingers in hope tat we wil hear Mr Ganesh go "129 u have early release!!" Well bt NO we hear nth of tat sort so we decided to resign to FATE...=.= The worse is yet to cm man...hahax...we all had to do ACES...wad the hell...hahax...and like half of the sch's population was like wearing UNIFORM...do ACES wearing uniform...how nice?? The teachers damn enthu can...they were like doing like as if they are really enjoying it...hahax...i oni enjoyed the song...hahax....sorry ar..."Let's get LOUD...let's get loud..." LOL...den went to the hall to watch the concert...wahaha...sat at the extreme end la...c wad...the stairs to the stage...nice view ar?? Was damn proud of mi class performers la...hahax...wel it was NICE...really it was...our whole class was like cheering them on...and every other ppl were like giving us some weird look...hahax...so funnie la...Jenny and her pro drum skills...WOW...so in aww...and i jus like the way the cowboy hat go twirling in the air...after chan toss it in the air...hahax...NICE NICE...=)) Den we had the other performances...the dances were great...hahax...nvr knew many if them could actually DANCE REAL WELL...=p The funnieast was stil the fact tat Mr.Ganesh actually went uo to stage to DANCE...can anyone imagine how much and hard the crwod was laffing...hahax...i jus wouldnt stop laffing man...and he can shake man...=PpPp Den we all had to head to the library while others can go hm...damn...hahax...bt time passes quite fast la...yippie...=))
After tat we decided to go somewhere...so EAST COAST there we went...mi , janah , qilah , fee , lynette , jenny and chan with allan coming later...we jus ahd so much fun there man...hahax...went there straight away rent bike...den we all jus started cycling...Wahaha...and we were riding AGAINST the wind...Damn...so hard to ride la...mi leg pain like hell la...hahax...cycled all the way to teh jetty...wah den the view there was like FANTABULOUS...hahax...super nice...and SO SO SO SO so so so so the windy...the feeling of wind jus blowing towards u is really "WOOOOOOW" This is the funniest part...Chan was hoping for something to happen like for a fish or any sea creature to jump out of the water in front of him...hahax...LOL i told him to stand there close his eyes and dream...Wahaha...den suddenly we all spotted tis black thing in the sea and we were like guessing wad the heck is it...first we tought it was a fish...den chan said tat i cant be cos it is nt swimming...den we tuoght it was a stingray...den we were like already confirming tat it was a stingray...we were like all so excited la...toking to each other quite loudly as the excitement builds in us...oni ti realise in the end tat it was actually a BLACK TRASH BAG...hahax...wad the hell...we all started laffing...how nice man...den we saw a few more such "stingrays" Wahaha...=PpPpPp Den we continued cycling to the other end of the place...cycled til quite far den we stopped to lye on some rock tat u can c when u go to sea...it was like made of many diff rocks la...jus reminded all of us of GEOGRAPHY...hahax...LOL...we all jus lied there looking at the sky and closing our eyes soon after...den woke up start crapping...watch the waves and oso saw AEROPLANES at such close proximity...hahax...they look so DARN big...hahax...and we were like guessing wad airline it is...LMAO =pPpP
After tat had to rush like mad la cos had to return the bike den oso ahd to rush bk to yishun to meet mi mum...hahax...LOL...so ended up taking taxi with jenny qilah and chan...cos we missed our 7 o'clock shuttle bus...DAMN...i was officially BROKE so chan and allan lent mi...the three of them alighted at EUNOS and i continued till YISHUN...and guess wad the uncles made a wring move and went to WOODLANDS instead...GOSH...hahax...i was like so damn scared le la...cos i m super late to meet mi mum...so he had to do a U.TURN which is damn long and the fare ended up to be $22.60...i was like totally panicking liao...cos i oni have $2o...hahax...bt the uncle was nice enough he oni charged mi $15 as he said tat is was his fault and dun wan to make mi pay so much...cos he was distrcted by some ERP error so drive wrongly liao...the uncle damn nice la...when i alighting stil ask mi take care...hahax...sweet ar...?? ok crap...=Pp den jus rushed to the place to meet mi mum...lucky she didnt ask anything...or else i duno wad to tell her...as usual oni mi sis noes...hehe...i practically tell her everything la...and she tells mi everything oso...hahax...=PpPp K la tis entry super long la...sleepy liao...stop here...=))
everytm i c ur face...
i duno wad to do...
do i smile or look away...??=.=
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
lalala~~! =))
Wahaha...first of all before starting today's entry i would like to say......
**Wanna wish him all the best in everything tat he does and may all his wishes come true...Weehee ",) **
Now i can continue with today's post...in sch really nth much...didnt play our favourite netball today...bt instead we all played BADMINTON...hahax...long tm nvr play liao...realised tat mi badminton skills become so JIALAT...eh wait a min was mi skills even gd in the first place...Wahaha...ok i m crapping as usual...den had lessons as usual...after tat had G LEE gp lesson...he gace us bk our essays tat we did the other time...hahax...wad nonsense man...i realised tat mi class has ppl hu are nt humans...hahax...jus kidding la...out of 50 they gt like 41 or 42...damn good la...and i gt 31...wahaha...=Pp LOL nth mush to say le...den had tis super BORING pc/ct and student dialogue combined together...wad the hell man...complete waste of tm...told the j1 cohort which classes are allowed to go bk early tml...damn...haha...mi class obviously cant go bk...i really wanna go bk nvss la...bt nvm la...heck it...mi sch has weird and STUPID policies...cant blame =PpPp
Anyway i went bk to nvss jus now to make up for the fact tat i cant go tml...went with mi sarah dearest...too bad april cant go with us cos she had noon class...bt nevertheless we had fun toking to the teachers and wishing them a very "HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY" =)) chat with them bout sch and life and mrs hee was telling mi how much north viewans have changed...hahax...come to think of it i really do MISS mi sec sch quite a bit bt most of all i MISS mi frens and teachers...going bk to sch jus reminded mi of the various memories i had with mi frens...studying at the canteen at nite...crapping at the co0ncourse and the "macdonald tables"...Wahaha those times are the BEST man...=))
First thing i and sarah did when we went bk jus now was to go gt some food frm the canteen...wahaha...really miss the food there oso...*er oni some la...=Pp* went to gt mi all tm favourite...HOTDOG BREAD...and sarah gt her all time favourite too...CHICKEN BREAD...Wahaha...LOL...u can nvr guess how much we use to love the bread la...everytm during recess we wil jus go to tat stall to gt the bread...wahaha...=)) Well i have uploaded the pics below...

**The food we sOo love =PpPp**

**The ever so pretty Mrs Hee and the retarded mi =.=**

**The 3 of us (",)**
seeing you has become sth i really dread...=.=
**Wanna wish him all the best in everything tat he does and may all his wishes come true...Weehee ",) **
Now i can continue with today's post...in sch really nth much...didnt play our favourite netball today...bt instead we all played BADMINTON...hahax...long tm nvr play liao...realised tat mi badminton skills become so JIALAT...eh wait a min was mi skills even gd in the first place...Wahaha...ok i m crapping as usual...den had lessons as usual...after tat had G LEE gp lesson...he gace us bk our essays tat we did the other time...hahax...wad nonsense man...i realised tat mi class has ppl hu are nt humans...hahax...jus kidding la...out of 50 they gt like 41 or 42...damn good la...and i gt 31...wahaha...=Pp LOL nth mush to say le...den had tis super BORING pc/ct and student dialogue combined together...wad the hell man...complete waste of tm...told the j1 cohort which classes are allowed to go bk early tml...damn...haha...mi class obviously cant go bk...i really wanna go bk nvss la...bt nvm la...heck it...mi sch has weird and STUPID policies...cant blame =PpPp
Anyway i went bk to nvss jus now to make up for the fact tat i cant go tml...went with mi sarah dearest...too bad april cant go with us cos she had noon class...bt nevertheless we had fun toking to the teachers and wishing them a very "HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY" =)) chat with them bout sch and life and mrs hee was telling mi how much north viewans have changed...hahax...come to think of it i really do MISS mi sec sch quite a bit bt most of all i MISS mi frens and teachers...going bk to sch jus reminded mi of the various memories i had with mi frens...studying at the canteen at nite...crapping at the co0ncourse and the "macdonald tables"...Wahaha those times are the BEST man...=))
First thing i and sarah did when we went bk jus now was to go gt some food frm the canteen...wahaha...really miss the food there oso...*er oni some la...=Pp* went to gt mi all tm favourite...HOTDOG BREAD...and sarah gt her all time favourite too...CHICKEN BREAD...Wahaha...LOL...u can nvr guess how much we use to love the bread la...everytm during recess we wil jus go to tat stall to gt the bread...wahaha...=)) Well i have uploaded the pics below...
**The food we sOo love =PpPp**
**The ever so pretty Mrs Hee and the retarded mi =.=**
**The 3 of us (",)**
seeing you has become sth i really dread...=.=
Sunday, August 28, 2005
AaRrGgHh...damn the whole day was spoilt all thanks to mi cramps...Wahaha...nth to say man...wanted to do mi essay today bt til now stil haven do...cos when i was about to do it...mi cramp jus have to act up...couldnt take it so went to lie on my bed and guess wad i went rolling all over the bed screaming in pain...til mi sis have to ask mi shut up...first tm pain until like tis la...how nice...lucky now ok liao...so maybe i wil start on mi essay in a while's time...=Pp And guess wad i gt nth to say liao...hahax...wad the...tml gt damn chi mon test...dun even noe wad to study...damn...heck la...jus do wadeva i can tml...may god bless mi tml...oh ya i oso have compre test tml...aiyoh...y la...tat G LEE mus gv us some test out of nowhere...haiz...how *LOVELY*
Cant wait for tues man...going bk NVSS...yeah going to c mi ex teachers after like so long...wan to go bk on Teachers' day itself de...bt cfm canot cos mi sch damn ass la...gt some stupid rule saying tat ur class mus have 100% attendence and 100% no late coming den ur class is allowed to go bk hm at 10...wad the hell man...mi class cfm canot go early la...wonder wad the hell mi class going to do in sch man...SIAN =X
i gv up...=.=
Cant wait for tues man...going bk NVSS...yeah going to c mi ex teachers after like so long...wan to go bk on Teachers' day itself de...bt cfm canot cos mi sch damn ass la...gt some stupid rule saying tat ur class mus have 100% attendence and 100% no late coming den ur class is allowed to go bk hm at 10...wad the hell man...mi class cfm canot go early la...wonder wad the hell mi class going to do in sch man...SIAN =X
i gv up...=.=
Saturday, August 27, 2005
LALALALA...oh gosh i m jus simply so bored man...hahax...dun feel like touching mi essays to do...oni going to do it tml...wahaha...so typical of mi damn lazy...=Pp Today woke up damn late la...hahax...slept at 2 plus in the morn and end up waking up at 2 plus in the afternoon...Wahaha...being able to sleep for so long after so many days of less sleep is jus simply GREAT man...DAMN SHUANG =)) bt as soon as i gt up mi mum had to open her mouth and start her nonsense all over again...all abt the divorce thing...and BLAH BLAH BLAH...wad the hell...she went over to mi grandma's house yest nite after work to tell them wad happen...and mi aunt can nicely tell her tat mi dad has gone overboard...and mi grandma can tell her to do wad she thinks is rite even if it means to divorce...wad the hell...i dun understand y they mus both agree with her...haiz...and with their she goes on and on about telling ni to make a decision on which parent to follow quick and think bout things...i dun wan to leave tis hm and go anywhere else...and most important of all i dun wan to change mi religion...DAMN...i think i m jus too attached to mi dad tat i jus cant bear to do anything tat leaves him out...ARGHHHH y mus tis happen to mi...i seriously dun understand...and i think mi mum is serious tis tm round...jus cant stand her any longer la...wad the hell man...=.=
Damn sian man...mon canot go to sch late liao...gt chi mon test...hahax...wad the hell man...dun even noe which paper la...bt i guess most prob is paper 2 ba...in audi some more...going to freeze to death...hahax...maybe nt tat kua zhang la...bt i m sure going to be damn cold in there...=X
things will never be the same again...
without you around...=.=
Damn sian man...mon canot go to sch late liao...gt chi mon test...hahax...wad the hell man...dun even noe which paper la...bt i guess most prob is paper 2 ba...in audi some more...going to freeze to death...hahax...maybe nt tat kua zhang la...bt i m sure going to be damn cold in there...=X
things will never be the same again...
without you around...=.=
I duno wad's going to happen??
Have nt been blogging for 2 days liao...hahax...busy doing ESSAYS and more ESSAYS...DRQ's and CHI TYS...hahax...canot help it la promos coming so have to work doubly hard...=.=which means lesser and lesser sleep for mi...i m going to be a DAMN panda soon...Wahaha ok lame =Pp
Today was quite sian la...everyone like SUPER tired cos of all the work...bt nevertheless we still played our fav NETBALL!!!!...duno y bt mi clas has recently taking a great liking to playing netball...even the guys...can anyone imagine guys playing netball...hahax...well its much more fun when they are playing...=)) Got hurt a couple of times today AGAIN...bt luckily it was nt as bad as wed when we played for like near 3 hrs of netball and other lame stuff cos we end lessons early...i practically gt whacked by the ball like umpteen times...today jus gt scratched...gt tis scratch mark on my right arm...hahax...bt nt painful la so heck it...=Ppden after tat went for band den went for dinner with qilah , fee , janah , chan , fun and tuna...Wahaha...damn funnie la...cos as usual with fee around there wont be a day without loud laughters...=)))
Hiaz...sometimes i really duno wads happening or rather wads going to happen...really gt nth to say bout the situation in my house...saw mi dad cried yest...which is kind of shocking...17 yrs of mi life i have nve seen my dad shed a tear bt he did it yest...cos he was jus too angry with mi mum and was too emotional as he was toking bout his mum as well...u noe how ppl an ramble on and on when they are kind of drunk...so he was practically rambling on and on bout god noes wad...first he shoot mi with stupid qns til i cried...den he shhot mi mum...since he was angry with her in the first place...he even whacked her...so tat was how serious the whole thing was...mi mum had tis blue-black eye and bruises here and there la...mi mum wanted a divorce...hah how nice rite...crap shit...wad nonsense...and tis is nt the first tm she wanted it...its been long since she wanted it...everything has gone frm bad to worse ever since the june holidays...i oso duno y...ever since then the fightings became frequent and it wil always end up in a brawl...i jus cant stand it anymore...i dun wan to c anymore of this...i duno how to hide all these tat i have inside of mi and go to sch and pretend nth happened although i have been doing it since sec sch...i wan mi HAPPINESS bk...i wan to c mi dad smile again although he hasnt been doing much of tat...and i c him so lil these days since he works night shift and when he has off days sth like this wil have to happen...i dun wan mi family to break though i dun really like wad mi mum is doing...she and her slefish ways...sometimes i really wan to ask her y is she always toking bout money and relating everything under the sun to it...i dun c a reason y she cant lend mi dad money sometimes jus for the sake of the household expenses...wads her problem man...if u have y dun u gv...i really dun understand and i guess i nvr will...i have so many things on mi mind now and i really hope nth happens anymore...i want everything i had before bk.........
you turned ur bk and walked away without even looking bk...=.=
Today was quite sian la...everyone like SUPER tired cos of all the work...bt nevertheless we still played our fav NETBALL!!!!...duno y bt mi clas has recently taking a great liking to playing netball...even the guys...can anyone imagine guys playing netball...hahax...well its much more fun when they are playing...=)) Got hurt a couple of times today AGAIN...bt luckily it was nt as bad as wed when we played for like near 3 hrs of netball and other lame stuff cos we end lessons early...i practically gt whacked by the ball like umpteen times...today jus gt scratched...gt tis scratch mark on my right arm...hahax...bt nt painful la so heck it...=Ppden after tat went for band den went for dinner with qilah , fee , janah , chan , fun and tuna...Wahaha...damn funnie la...cos as usual with fee around there wont be a day without loud laughters...=)))
Hiaz...sometimes i really duno wads happening or rather wads going to happen...really gt nth to say bout the situation in my house...saw mi dad cried yest...which is kind of shocking...17 yrs of mi life i have nve seen my dad shed a tear bt he did it yest...cos he was jus too angry with mi mum and was too emotional as he was toking bout his mum as well...u noe how ppl an ramble on and on when they are kind of drunk...so he was practically rambling on and on bout god noes wad...first he shoot mi with stupid qns til i cried...den he shhot mi mum...since he was angry with her in the first place...he even whacked her...so tat was how serious the whole thing was...mi mum had tis blue-black eye and bruises here and there la...mi mum wanted a divorce...hah how nice rite...crap shit...wad nonsense...and tis is nt the first tm she wanted it...its been long since she wanted it...everything has gone frm bad to worse ever since the june holidays...i oso duno y...ever since then the fightings became frequent and it wil always end up in a brawl...i jus cant stand it anymore...i dun wan to c anymore of this...i duno how to hide all these tat i have inside of mi and go to sch and pretend nth happened although i have been doing it since sec sch...i wan mi HAPPINESS bk...i wan to c mi dad smile again although he hasnt been doing much of tat...and i c him so lil these days since he works night shift and when he has off days sth like this wil have to happen...i dun wan mi family to break though i dun really like wad mi mum is doing...she and her slefish ways...sometimes i really wan to ask her y is she always toking bout money and relating everything under the sun to it...i dun c a reason y she cant lend mi dad money sometimes jus for the sake of the household expenses...wads her problem man...if u have y dun u gv...i really dun understand and i guess i nvr will...i have so many things on mi mind now and i really hope nth happens anymore...i want everything i had before bk.........
you turned ur bk and walked away without even looking bk...=.=
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Another day...
Like every other day...nth much happened today...pretty slack i can say...jus tat there's lots to be done and too little time for mi to do it...there is geo essay...chi tys...gp summary...WR...and worse of the worse CHINESE PW...cfm die liao haven even started doing yet and it has to be handed in by tis wk...oh boy aren't i dead...wel lets nt bother bout tat first...after sch wanted to watch auditions bt couldnt make it cos was meeting vicky at 4.30...Wahaha...met him den went under one of the blks to study...as usual stufy halfway...tok...tok...tok...hahax...left there at abt 8...den head hm loe...Noticed i change mi skin again today...and i dun think i wil be changing it any time soon...i like tis already...=)))wel gtg do mi chi tys now...Sayonara....=))
*cant wait for tml band prac...Weehee...alto sax here i cm =PpPp*
i guess its better tis way...
ignorance is bliss...=.=
*cant wait for tml band prac...Weehee...alto sax here i cm =PpPp*
i guess its better tis way...
ignorance is bliss...=.=
Monday, August 22, 2005
Fun,Fun and more FUN =)))
Wahaha...today as usual was kind of a slack day la i can say...went to sch at 9.25 cos no Monday test so can cm late...hahax...bt first thing in the morn lit lect and guess wad had to do another damn essay...the qns was pretty short whivh makes it hard to ans...CRAP...den had tat crazy spencer's lesson and as usual he was screaming like a mad man...shouting out everyone's name for attendance nt forgetting calling mi LAVNITHA again...wth man...the one whom he claims i look like...NO LINK =Z before tat celebrated Jia Hao's bday at the outdoor canteen...celebrating b'daes have become like our class routine...every wk there is boud to someone's b'day...and every now and den u wil hear our whole class going "Happy birthday to u......" =Pp Den after tat had tat G LEE lesson...wah 2 hrs jus sit there and rot la...first he was seeing the pw grps which was actually MI GRP...hahax...asking us to do tis and tat and trying very hard to be very nice...wel i agree tat i haven been doing much for mi PW la so i guess its time i buck up...rite chan...? =PpPp
After sch went to city hall first suppose to go hunt for a present for Jia Hao...frm there we went Suntec...walk walk arnd stil cant find anything suitable...den we continue walking arnd and mi stupid PTL can tempt mi with some YAMI YOGHURT...damn nice la until i went to gt it myself...den went to eat dinner at FAR EAST...hahax...den after tat finally gt Jai Hao's present...gt him a belt and a pencil box...hahax...=Pp den finally head hm...=)) Damn tired now wanna go slp liao...
Tml after sch gotta chiong like damn fast cos i m meeting Vicky...hehex...teach him geo and pass him the sec 4 ss bk...hahax...=)))
still awaiting for the reason...
bt hu noes maybe time wil heal it all... =.=
After sch went to city hall first suppose to go hunt for a present for Jia Hao...frm there we went Suntec...walk walk arnd stil cant find anything suitable...den we continue walking arnd and mi stupid PTL can tempt mi with some YAMI YOGHURT...damn nice la until i went to gt it myself...den went to eat dinner at FAR EAST...hahax...den after tat finally gt Jai Hao's present...gt him a belt and a pencil box...hahax...=Pp den finally head hm...=)) Damn tired now wanna go slp liao...
Tml after sch gotta chiong like damn fast cos i m meeting Vicky...hehex...teach him geo and pass him the sec 4 ss bk...hahax...=)))
still awaiting for the reason...
bt hu noes maybe time wil heal it all... =.=
Arghhhhhhhhhh...been spending hours trying to make sense of mi blog and changing mi skin every now and then jus to make it suitable...and i doubt i m going to continue doing it anymore...look at the time its like 12 plus in the morning and i m stil doing it...hahax...wad the hell man...=X
Well today did nth much as usual...duno when am i going to start studying for mi promos...its like in less den 2 mths tm...haiz...duno whether i can gt promoted...Wahaha hope i can...did tat g lee gp essay jus now took hiurs to finish it...damn =x Going to gt screwed tml i think by tat g lee cos of the damn written report...after doing essay went online to ask ppl help mi to mi survey...hahax...finally gt it done den gt dwn to doing mi blog...now going to slp i guess...wait there's one thing left to do...HANG CLOTHES!!! i nvr have nth to do man...hahax...wel i guess tats life and i mus live with it...=)
gV mI A ReAsOn fOr aLl tHeSe...=.=
Well today did nth much as usual...duno when am i going to start studying for mi promos...its like in less den 2 mths tm...haiz...duno whether i can gt promoted...Wahaha hope i can...did tat g lee gp essay jus now took hiurs to finish it...damn =x Going to gt screwed tml i think by tat g lee cos of the damn written report...after doing essay went online to ask ppl help mi to mi survey...hahax...finally gt it done den gt dwn to doing mi blog...now going to slp i guess...wait there's one thing left to do...HANG CLOTHES!!! i nvr have nth to do man...hahax...wel i guess tats life and i mus live with it...=)
gV mI A ReAsOn fOr aLl tHeSe...=.=
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Wahaha...i duno wad in the world made mi make a blog...i have always nt want to make one as i dun think i wil update bt i guess its jus tat my fingers are itchy la...Haha =Pp To be frank i noe nuts bout blogging so i guess i need all the help i can gt from u guys alright...=)))
Wahaha...i duno wad in the world made mi make a blog...i have always nt want to make one as i dun think i wil update bt i guess its jus tat my fingers are itchy la...Haha =Pp To be frank i noe nuts bout blogging so i guess i need all the help i can gt from u guys alright...=)))
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