Saturday, March 03, 2007

A level results was out today!
A BIG congratulations to everyone who did well and to those who didn't do that well don't be too disheartened i am sure something can be done =)

One year from now and it will be turn to collect my results.
Oh no!!!
I don't want to think of it.

Shall hire you as my private maths tutor!
Hahaha =)

Suddenly an image flashed through my mind : Sarah wearing her hooded jacket trying to be a Hip-hopper!
Super Hilarious and Retarded =DD

NAPFA tomorrow at Eleven!!
I am rather sure that i'm not going to clear it the first time round.
I can never pass my Broad-jump so forget it.
Hahaha short legs la can't help it.
LOL =p

People lie.
People pretend.
People feign ignorance.
People ... ...
People change.

sick and tired of all these shit
i can't be bothered anymore.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It comes to a point where i dislike you.
Your happiness shows me how much everything meant to you.
I meant nothing.
Thanks for everything.

Fcuking liar!
You should have told me right from the start.
Instead of trying to make it sound nice.
