Thursday, October 13, 2005

20 ppl?? =Pp

Well tis is nt really going to be a formal post bt jus something sarah darling wans mi to post about...Here it goes...=)

*List down 20 names tat comes to ur mind and describe them according to ur opinion bout them*

1.April--She's a BITCH...!!But i still love her as much =Pp
2.Sarah--She is Sugar,Spice and Evrything NICE...!! =))
3.Tianyu--He is a confidante...a lil short of being a brother ",)
4.Daryl--He is Tripple H => Handsome,Helpful,Hyper IDIOTIC!! =PpPp
5.Janah--She is FUNNY and mi partner in everything =]
6.Lynette--She is the most lovable thing that never fails to make mi laf with her blurness =Pp
7.Jenny--She is serious when it comes to doing work an she is a GEOG PRO =}
8.Fidelia--She is a Laughing Bag...Mwahahaha =PpPp
9.Aqilah--She is a Mischievious lil MONKEY =]
10.Amirah--She is a Sweet lil MONKEY =}
11.Khai--He is mi Good Friend who wans to have Tiger Stripes...Wahaha =Pp
12.Wan Jing--She is Ah Siao No.2...Sweet friend of mine =]]
13.Wei Luan--She is Ah siao No.1...Too Good To Be True =}}
14.Justin--He is wad i call MR.SMILEY =))))))
15.Quincy--He was the ONE...and ONLY ONE i noe hu has the Same Birthday as mi =)
16.Vicky--He makes mi SMILE jus like any other =p
17.Liyana--She is Smart and mi study partner in sec sch =]
18.Huda--She is one FIRM Master Sergeant with a powerful VOICE =}
19.Hasrul--He is mi hu is always there for mi =))
20.Ruth--She is one hell-of-a Groovy Dancer :)

Phew...i m like finally done with all these describing...Wahaha...i hope tat those of u hu are reading wil enjoy tis =))))

do i really miss you..?
i yearn for tat smile though...=.=

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