Thursday, February 02, 2006

Lalalala~~* I swear i m freaking high la...haha i have so many things to blog about bt i haven been online for so many i cant actually say whether i wil rmb the things tat i wil try =))
Was released early on Fri due to the day being the eve of the eve of Chinese New Year...hahax sounds lame theres nth i can say i jus quote it frm "buttercup"...Wahaha =Pp Went to east coast park after tat...was kind of nt planned i mus say...wanted to go initially bt den cancelled cos of some last min in the end mi,qilah,lyn and jan went there cos we had nth to do and duno where to of cos we brought extra clothes la...else we would jus have to camp there til our clothes dry =p Its been long since i actually played in the water and i really had so much fun la...though i was the shortest i was the one at the further end compared to jan and lyn...and i swear the waves can jus wash mi away la...wahaha they were damn huge bt the main point is stil it was damn FUN !!! =)))) We were all practically acting like small kids la...or rather maybe oni mi...wahaha and i was busy picking shells tat are washed in shore...some are really beautiful la...and some are really Cute =PpPp
Den comes the Chinese New Year holidays...goodness all i did was sit on mi sofa watch tv and eat all the goodies i can find in the kitchen which i like la...i practically finished the whole container of pineapple tarts la...its small la the container so yea...*wahaha like it makes loads of difference* =Pp And i like watch most of the movies on tv bt they are all like a lil boring...sit on i sofa butt oso going to rot...Oops hahax =.=
Also went visiting to mi sec sch teacher's place...her place damn ncie la...had fun there watching all the mtvs frm Jay's new damn nice...and i gt to c mi fav song...*awww* =))) And the funniest thing was i gt chased by a dog again la...goodness bt tis tm was mi teacher's dog named Bell...she is so adorable bt mi being afraid of dogs i didnt dare to touch even though its liek so small its bark is like oh my god damn loud la...wahaha...and the funniest part is that she gets high at the sound of bells and tats apparently how she gets her name and coincidentally i was wearing an anklet with a u can actually imagine the consequence of mi even taking a step around her...tat explains how i gt chased =Pp/=x
I went cycling during the hols too...tat too with mi dad...the last tm i went cycling with him was like yrs ago so when he asked i readily said yes and i had fun bt jus a lil pain at mi butt...Oops hahax...and mi dumb sis was too scared to learn to cycle bt she did nevertheless and she oni took like barely 10 mins and she was off cycling...gosh and she was scared of falling like 10 mins b4 tat...nonsense man...Wahaha = s
Finally after so long i have cm to today...Woohoo played netball,volleyball and even soccer with a volleyball...can u imagine tat...wahaha nonsense man u...mi,fee,jan,qilah,lyn and jen played and played in our uni tis we all perspire like mad...gosh damn fun...its been long since we played like tat so yea we all had fun =))
Well i m tired of typing...goodness damn long man tis entry...have to run for the Jogathan tml...gosh y did i even put mi name...itchy fingers...wahaha anyway jus do mi best ba and leave everything to nature to take its course...til then...Night (",)
smile smile smile =))

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