Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Gosh the mt results are coming out tml...i m actually freaking scared =x i wanna pass badly and i dun wan a d7 cos nt nice...LOL i jus pray tat it wil turn out good for mi and all mi frens hu are taking the results tml =))
Will be meeting mi dearies on thurs =)) can't wait to see them the 2 beautiful ladies and one ugly mi...Thank you thank you =pP LOL...mi and mi nonsense again...i think its nt going to end...whenever i m bored tats it i wil start mi nonsense and oni i wil laf and everybody else wil think i have gone nuts...bt laf with mi yea ",) Can't wait to gv them the thing i bot them for v'day...gosh its so long overdue...i m really sorry yea and i had to go from place to place to hunt for it...hahax...bt its all worth it for mi 2 darlings cos i love them too much liao...though the gift is nt very ex i jus hope u guys like it yea...cos i love it and it really can make one smile...jus by looking at it it makes mi SMILE =)))

laugh with mi...
too cute to be true...=)

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