Friday, March 03, 2006

Really had a fun tm yest...Lalalala meeting up with mi 2 darlings...ate at Sakura first den went to Swensens...LOL ppl with no money trying to act rich LOL =p it was damn amusing seeing how we actually tried to finish up the ice cream when we are already so full...wahaha =Pp And sarah jus had to play with the ice cream cos she cant finish it with the help of apr of cos...small kids LOL and fake cherries are nt nice to eat they taste like medicine...yucks =x the real cherries are so much nicer...yea so much nicer...duno wad i toking bout rite wad real cherries fake cherries...wahaha u wil understand somehow la...=Pp We even took neos yest...LOL the last tm we took was like ages darn long and we hv all forgotten how to operate the dumb the pics turn our nice la...of cos with the beautiful 2 darlings i hv y wouldnt it turn nice?Wahaha =Pp

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Arent they jus so lovely...LOL =))

And congratulations to sarah dear for getting into Mass Comm...WoOhOo i m so darn happy for u happy tat it feels like as if i was the one hu was getting into tat course...really all the best to u and ur hard work and prayers really paid off =)))) And oso congrats to all the other ppl i noe hu gt into their desired courses and for those hu didnt fret not yea...try appealing and i'm sure it wil turn out fine and i wil surely miss P19 =.=

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I wil MISS them loads =))
*tis is nt the whole of P19 though*

tat smile...
so contagious... =))

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