Friday, February 10, 2006

Today is the release of the o'level results...well i was happy for some of mi frens and yet feeling sad too...wel some did well and some didn't...and wad made mi feel worse was tat those hu didnt do wel were quite close to mi...=.= i realy hope they can gt over it and be ok soon yea...i noe how it feels to nt do well cos i have been there and done u feel so terrible and useless all of a sudden seeing ur frens do well and rejoicing and there you are sitting and crying your eyes out...tat was exactly how i felt last yr when i was getting bk mi promo lucky for mi i had the encouragement from frens or else it would have been worse for mi...
*Tis is to ming xiang if you wil be reading it any of these days*
Hey junior i noe how i feels yea and i was terribly sorry to have actually called u so abruptly when u weren't in the mood...i noe how sometimes we feel like being realy sorry...i really really am...and i felt very bad for nt being there to console you and oso for calling...Hope u will feel better after a few days...and if u feel like toking to someone ur senior here will always be free for you yea...God bless and take care =)
That aside i mus really say tat i m very proud of you p19...u guys rock and u guys did so well...really happy for u asses =) But i really hope u guys stay on in yj though its a lil too much to ask seriously i will miss u guys loads...all the funny yet cute things tat u goys do jus to put a smile on everybody's faces...Bt well we all have to face reality so if it happens tat u any of u guys dun stay on i jus hope tat we wil stil keep in contact and hang out when we are free yea...u guys will still be the P19 tat i so love =))
On another note somehow i can't wait for tml...for the CVD to be over...well i hope tat it will be fun at least...and i jus hope tat all our efforts of decorating and promoting our stall is nt wasted...and of cos i hope for it to be a the end of the day its nt really how much u collected in terms of cash bt how u much fun u had together while doing up the whole thing...the precious tm spent and the memories will be etched ",)

s-w-e-e-t =))

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