Sunday, February 19, 2006

When wil you ever stop blaming mi for getting retained?
When wil u every gt it tat its nt tat bad after all?
When wil u every understand tat ppl living in the house needs to eat and needs money?*and tat includes you*
When wil you every stop scolding and hitting mi for everything tat i have done?
When wil you ever start appreciating everything tat i have done instead of scolding mi for wad i haven?
Does anyone even noe how to ans thses qns?
Wel i guess no one does and no one wil ever be able to...
I guess i m jus dumb and its all mi fault tat certain things happen...
No one else to blame apart from myself...
Gt it in ur brain sarala tat u are stupid and can nvr do anything right...

Tears in my eyes...
wipe it?

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